Google Analytics – Tool to Track and Analyze the Performance of Your Inbound Marketing Activities

Just published our slide deck from the Entrepreneurs Workshop: Turning Your Passion To Profit 2011 at Florida Gulf Coast University on  

Here is also a list of more resources: 

Google Analytics Blog

This is the offical blog of Google’s Analytics team. Read up about special features, update and take a deep dive into the heart of your Google Analytics data  

Smashing Magazine is the leading online magazine about web development and web design. They published a comprehensive Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools
Excellent online news site on all things internet, social networks and tools, with special tracks you can follow to make it easier to stay on top of the news.


publishing statistics on Internet behavior. Very interesting to find out what people, your target audience do on the Internet. The site is tracking behaviour for over a decade and makes for great Sunday afternoon read.  


Learn more about search engine optimization, what it can do and what it can do for your site. We love their graphic on Inbound marketing. The video series: Whiteboard Friday is an excellent weekly 15 minute video in which Randy Fish tackles some overall concepts and tackles one SEO Myth at a time.  

Google Analytics Help Page
Start out with the Glossary page as it lists all common terms and their definitions and usage context for Google Analytics. Quite a few seem to be self-explanatory. Considering the narrow context of website tracking, you can also use it as a reference to double check your assumptions when interpreting the results and numbers.

WordPress Plugin: Ultimate Google Analytics  
Install the tracking codes after successfully setting up the account is an important hurdle to take. Most dynamic website building tools come with Google Analytics built in. For WordPress there are quite a few plugins available.
And I published a How-To post for
You can follow it in six steps and probably half the minutes.
How to install WPlugin: Ultimate Google Analytics  

Mailchimp – a rockstar among the Email marketing Systems and providers, also have a very helpful feature Analytics360. It allows you to bring the stats all into one dashboard: your email marketing campaign, your twitter account and and your WordPress Blog. Then you can analyze the direct correlation of traffic changes with the main Inbound Marketing activities: Blogging, Emailing and Tweeting.  
Learn more here:  

Even if you won’t use the Analytics360, Mailchimp integrates very nicely with your Google Analytics account. Here is more information:

Posted by Birgit Pauli-Haack

Since 1998 Birgit Pauli-Haack has worked with nonprofits as a web developer, a technology strategist, a trainer and community organizer. She founded Pauli Systems, LC in 2002, now a team of six. It is a 100% distributed company. Since 2010, her team has used WordPress to build new nonprofit sites and applications. In her spare time, Birgit serves as a deputy with the WordPress Global Community team, as a WordPress Meetup organizer and a Tech4Good organizer.